Delivering the best lamb + beef from New Zealand to homes across Metro Vancouver.
Browse our selection of premium frozen New Zealand lamb + beef products and place an order in our online shop.
Our minimum order size is $50 + delivery is free. We deliver across Metro Vancouver.
If you live in Vancouver, you can expect your delivery within 48 hours.
If there's a specific time or day of the week that you'd like to receive your delivery, let us know in the delivery instructions and we will do our best to accommodate.
When your order is packed up and ready to go, we'll contact you to confirm your delivery day & time.
Delivery timings may vary due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g. road closures, snow days etc). When this occurs, your delivery will arrive on the soonest possible safe delivery day for our drivers to get to you.
Delivery Location & Days
We deliver to Vancouver, North Van, West Van, Richmond, Burnaby:
Monday - Friday
We deliver to Coquitlam, Surrey, White Rock & Langley:
Tuesdays & Saturdays
Please provide any relevant details in the delivery instructions.
Currently Stocking