Fool-Proof Frenched Racks

If you're someone who is intimidated by cooking lamb, never fear. This recipe is SO simple and comes out perfect every time. 


1-2 Te Mana Lamb Frenched Racks 

Salt, pepper & a little olive oil

Seriously, that's it. Use enough to give your racks a good layer of seasoning. You can use other herbs & seasonings if you want (rosemary & mustard are nominated) but you honestly don't need them. 


Defrost your racks fully in the fridge, but let them rest on the counter at room temp for a bit before you cook them. 

Pre-heat your oven to 350F, place the French rack in a roasting dish and season with a bit of olive oil, and a generous amount of salt and pepper.

Cook for about 30 minutes (depending how hot your oven is). Once you have cooked it the rack let it sit for 10 minutes under a tin foil tent. 30 minutes will give you a beautiful medium-rare rack.